Google, Yahoo, 13 Others Declare War on Phishing
A new anti-phishing effort, backed by the big email service providers as well as banks, PayPal, social networks, and other companies, could dramatically reduce the number of scam emails you get in your...
View ArticleCareful, Facebook, or You'll Become AOL
Jesse Kornbluth has a cautionary tale for Facebook, which he says he worked for a decade ago. "Back then, it was called America Online," he writes in the Wall Street Journal . Kornbluth was AOL's...
View ArticleTax Firm, Radio Stations Join Limbaugh Exodus
Rush Limbaugh is still hemorrhaging advertisers—and now beginning to lose radio stations as well—in the wake of his "slut' comment. Online tax advice operation Tax Resolution Services yesterday joined...
View ArticleAOL Sells Microsoft 800 Patents
AOL has struck a mammoth deal to sell Microsoft more than 800 patents for $1.06 billion in cash, the companies announced today. That will leave AOL with a little more than 300 patents of its own...
View ArticleBig Shareholder to AOL: That $1B Sale? Not Cutting It
AOL's $1 billion deal to sell patents to Microsoft is a good first step, but major shareholder Starboard Value still has "serious concerns" about AOL's "poor operating performance," the activist hedge...
View ArticleFacebook to Buy $550M in Patents From Microsoft
Earlier this month, AOL agreed to sell Microsoft 925 patents and patent applications for just north of $1 billion; now another tech giant is getting a piece of the action. Facebook has pledged to buy...
View ArticleTeenage Entrepreneur Squatted in AOL Offices
A teenage entrepreneur found the perfect place to develop his new software: AOL's campus in Palo Alto, Calif. Only problem: No one knew he was also eating, sleeping, working out, and doing his laundry...
View Article1M Android Forum Users' Data Hacked
Another major security breach has emerged a day after news of a Yahoo hack targeting 450,000 users, this time at an online forum for Android users. Hackers snagged user IDs, email addresses, passwords,...
View ArticleNSA Accesses Servers of Internet Firms: Reports
Charges that we live in a surveillance state are about to get much louder. The Guardian and the Washington Post are separately reporting about a previously unknown program known as PRISM that gives the...
View ArticleAOL CEO Calls Public Firing an 'Emotional' Mistake
AOL's local news network, Patch, is losing money, closing hundreds of websites, and laying off hundreds of employees, TechCrunch reports. But that is not its biggest problem right now. That honor goes...
View ArticleGoogle's Schmidt: NSA Spying 'Outrageous'
Google's executive chairman is weighing in on reports that the NSA hacked reams of data from his company and Yahoo: "It's really outrageous that the National Security Agency was looking between the...
View ArticleTech Rivals Unite to Nag World About Spying
What's big enough to bring together such competitors as Google and Yahoo, Microsoft and Apple, Facebook and Twitter, plus AOL and LinkedIn for good measure? The NSA spying drama. Those companies are...
View ArticleMom: AOL Blamed Its Cuts on My 'Distressed Baby'
AOL honcho Tim Armstrong made waves on Thursday in announcing poorly received changes to the company's 401(K) program. The adjustment, which would have shifted the payment schedule to one lump-sum...
View ArticleLawsuit: AOL's CEO Fired Worker When She Lost 2 Babies
Does AOL CEO Tim Armstrong have an issue with pregnant employees? Well, that's what Valleywag is wondering. To recap, Armstrong caused a stir last week by shifting the company's 401(K) payment schedule...
View Article20 Years Later, I'm Still Using My AOL Email
You probably ditched your AOL email address sometime in the 1990s, but not Derreck Johnson. No, his email address was born on Sept. 24, 1994, when he was a senior in high school, and more than...
View ArticleVerizon Buying AOL for $4.4B
AOL is getting involved in another major merger, surely hoping it ends better than last time . This time it's Verizon, not Time Warner, with the telecom giant announcing plans to buy AOL for $4.4...
View ArticleWhat the $4.83B Yahoo Deal Gets Verizon
In its confirmation of Verizon's purchase of Yahoo's web assets , announced Monday morning, the Wall Street Journal describes it as a "remarkable fall" for Yahoo, once valued at more than $125 billion...
View ArticleVoice of AOL's 'You've Got Mail' Now an Uber Driver
A California woman stumbled upon a voice from the past during a trip to Ohio when she discovered her Uber driver was the man behind America Online's famous "You've Got Mail" greeting. Brandee Barker...
View ArticlePence Used Personal Email for Official Business as Governor
As governor of Indiana, now-VP Mike Pence "routinely" used his personal AOL email account to conduct public business, reports the Indianapolis Star , which obtained 29 pages of Pence emails via a...
View ArticleInternet Pokes Fun at Name for Combined AOL-Yahoo
If you merge the letters from AOL and Yahoo, take a few away, and add a "t," you have Oath, which is what Verizon is planning to call a new entity combining the two companies after its acquisition of...
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